Say no to palm oil .com
''Did you know that each and everyone of us is fueling one of the world's biggest ecological disasters and acts of primate genocide in history?
Borneo and Sumatra are two of the most bio-diverse regions of the world, yet they have the longest list of endangered species. This list includes the magnificent orangutan. These two South-East Asian islands are extremely rich in life, containing around 20,000 flowering plant species, 3,000 tree species, 300,000 animal species and thousands more being discovered each year. Despite this amazing biodiversity and delicate web of species, an area the size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared each hour in Indonesia and Malaysia to make way for the production of one vegetable oil. That's 6 football fields destroyed each minute. This vegetable oil is called palm oil, and is found in hundreds of the everyday products, from baked goods and confectionery, to cosmetics and cleaning agents... many of which you buy in your weekly shopping.
Due to the massive international demand for palm oil, palm oil plantations are rapidly replacing the rainforest habitat of the critically endangered orangutan; with over 90% of their habitat already destroyed in the last 20 years.
Orangutans are some of our closest relatives, sharing approximately 97% of their DNA with humans. Orangutan means 'Person of the jungle' in the Indonesian language. It is estimated that 6 to 12 of these 'jungle people' are killed each day for palm oil. These gentle creatures are either killed in the deforestation process, when they wonder into a palm oil plantation looking for food, or in the illegal pet trade after they've been captured and kept as pets in extremely poor conditions and provided with extremely poor nutrition.
Orangutans are considered as pests by the palm oil industry. In the deforestation process, workers are told that if wildlife gets in the way, they are to do whatever is necessary in order to dispose them, no matter how inhumane. Often orangutans are run over by logging machinery, beat to death, buried alive or set on fire... all in the name of palm oil.
Government data has shown that over 50,000 orangutans have already died as a result of deforestation due to palm oil in the last two decades. Experts say that if this pattern of destruction and exploitation continues, these intelligent acrobats of the jungle will be extinct in the wild within 3 to 12 years (as early as 2015). It is also thought that their jungle habitat will be completely gone within 20 years (approximately 2033).
Around 50 million tons of palm oil is produced annually; with almost all of that being non-sustainable palm oil, that replaces 12 million hectares of dense, bio-diverse rainforest. That's the equivalent landmass of North Korea deforested each year for palm oil alone!
Palm oil is also having a shocking impact on our planet. The production of this one vegetable oil is not only responsible for polluting rivers and causing land erosion, but when the plantation workers set fire to the remaining trees, shrubs and debris to make way for the oil palms, it produces immense amount of smoke pollution that is toxic to planet earth. This has been found to be the second biggest contributor to greenhouse gas in the world.
By purchasing products that contain crude palm oil, you are helping destroy ancient, pristine rainforest, wipe out species like the orangutan, and create a large-scale ecological disaster. Think of the consequences next time you do your weekly shopping; the consequences not only for orangutans and other animals, but for us as the human race; for we cannot survive without the rainforests either. We have a choice, orangutans do not.''
Borneo and Sumatra are two of the most bio-diverse regions of the world, yet they have the longest list of endangered species. This list includes the magnificent orangutan. These two South-East Asian islands are extremely rich in life, containing around 20,000 flowering plant species, 3,000 tree species, 300,000 animal species and thousands more being discovered each year. Despite this amazing biodiversity and delicate web of species, an area the size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared each hour in Indonesia and Malaysia to make way for the production of one vegetable oil. That's 6 football fields destroyed each minute. This vegetable oil is called palm oil, and is found in hundreds of the everyday products, from baked goods and confectionery, to cosmetics and cleaning agents... many of which you buy in your weekly shopping.
Due to the massive international demand for palm oil, palm oil plantations are rapidly replacing the rainforest habitat of the critically endangered orangutan; with over 90% of their habitat already destroyed in the last 20 years.
Orangutans are some of our closest relatives, sharing approximately 97% of their DNA with humans. Orangutan means 'Person of the jungle' in the Indonesian language. It is estimated that 6 to 12 of these 'jungle people' are killed each day for palm oil. These gentle creatures are either killed in the deforestation process, when they wonder into a palm oil plantation looking for food, or in the illegal pet trade after they've been captured and kept as pets in extremely poor conditions and provided with extremely poor nutrition.
Orangutans are considered as pests by the palm oil industry. In the deforestation process, workers are told that if wildlife gets in the way, they are to do whatever is necessary in order to dispose them, no matter how inhumane. Often orangutans are run over by logging machinery, beat to death, buried alive or set on fire... all in the name of palm oil.
Government data has shown that over 50,000 orangutans have already died as a result of deforestation due to palm oil in the last two decades. Experts say that if this pattern of destruction and exploitation continues, these intelligent acrobats of the jungle will be extinct in the wild within 3 to 12 years (as early as 2015). It is also thought that their jungle habitat will be completely gone within 20 years (approximately 2033).
Around 50 million tons of palm oil is produced annually; with almost all of that being non-sustainable palm oil, that replaces 12 million hectares of dense, bio-diverse rainforest. That's the equivalent landmass of North Korea deforested each year for palm oil alone!
Palm oil is also having a shocking impact on our planet. The production of this one vegetable oil is not only responsible for polluting rivers and causing land erosion, but when the plantation workers set fire to the remaining trees, shrubs and debris to make way for the oil palms, it produces immense amount of smoke pollution that is toxic to planet earth. This has been found to be the second biggest contributor to greenhouse gas in the world.
By purchasing products that contain crude palm oil, you are helping destroy ancient, pristine rainforest, wipe out species like the orangutan, and create a large-scale ecological disaster. Think of the consequences next time you do your weekly shopping; the consequences not only for orangutans and other animals, but for us as the human race; for we cannot survive without the rainforests either. We have a choice, orangutans do not.''
Ni får stå ut med stt det står på engelska nu. Jag har tidigare haft någorlunda koll på att palmolja inte är bra för miljön, men det har inte varit mer än så. Sen läste jag detta och jag blir så jävla förbannad, frustrerad och ledsen. Jag förstår inte hur det kan finnas sådana hjärtlösa människor som det idag finns, jag hatar pengar. Pengar driver folk till vansinne. Jävla idioter vad arg jag blir. Kan inte hela jordens befolkning bli veganer när jag knäpper med fingrarna? Tänk om det vore så lätt.
Hur undviker man då palmolja? Det finns ingen lag på att det ska stå "palmolja" i innehållsförteckningen, utan det står i de flesta fall "vegetabiliskt fett". Hittade en lista på produkter som innehåller palmolja:
Barilla tortellini
Cheerios (Nestlé)
Eldorado frysta vitlöksbaguetter
Eldorado nachos
Eldorado risgrynsgröt
EuroShopper rostad lök
Flora margarin
ICA blockchoklad, mörk och ljus
ICA chilinötter
ICA choklad cookies
ICA digestive
ICA frysta vitlöksbaguetter
ICA jordnötter
ICA röd pesto
ICA tortillachips
Kellogg’s special K
McVitie’s Digestive
Milky Way
Oatly vaniljsås
Vanilla Heath Crunch Ice Cream (Ben & Jerry’s)
Wrigley’s tuggumi
Cheerios (Nestlé)
Eldorado frysta vitlöksbaguetter
Eldorado nachos
Eldorado risgrynsgröt
EuroShopper rostad lök
Flora margarin
ICA blockchoklad, mörk och ljus
ICA chilinötter
ICA choklad cookies
ICA digestive
ICA frysta vitlöksbaguetter
ICA jordnötter
ICA röd pesto
ICA tortillachips
Kellogg’s special K
McVitie’s Digestive
Milky Way
Oatly vaniljsås
Vanilla Heath Crunch Ice Cream (Ben & Jerry’s)
Wrigley’s tuggumi
Zeta crostini och crutonger
Och en liska på företag som använder sig av palmolja:
Beiersdorf (nivea)
Ben & Jerry’s
Body Shop
Elizabeth Arden, Inc.
Estee Lauder Inc.
Herbal Essences
Kraft Foods
Mary Kay
Oil of Olay
Procter & Gamble
United Biscuits
Dessa företag och produkter är inte bara veganska som ni kanske märker. Tänkte att det är värt att ge dem ännu en skamfläck ändå. SÅ, nu kan vi alla hålla oss borta från dem. Perfekt!
Dessa företag och produkter är inte bara veganska som ni kanske märker. Tänkte att det är värt att ge dem ännu en skamfläck ändå. SÅ, nu kan vi alla hålla oss borta från dem. Perfekt!
Animaliska produkter 2: Ämnet är GELATIN
För att tillverka gelatin samlar man ihop resterna av de döda djuren (ben, skinn och vävnad) för att koka det. Det man är ute efter är ett hjälpmedel till bättre/fastare konsistens på livsmedelsprodukter, det används även inom läkemedelsindustrin. Tänk sura nappar, gelehallon, pannacotta och liknande produkter - där finns detta.
Självklart finns det alternativ till detta och självklart så fortsätter man ändå använda det animaliska, suck.
Det finns vegetabiliska alternativ till det animaliska gelatinet. Ur olika alger utvinns geleringsmedel, som till exempel agar (som också kallas japanskt eller kinesiskt gelatin). Agar är kraftigare än den gelatinvariant som köps i vanliga livsmedelsbutiker. Algen är rik på jod och spårämnen och innehåller en del kalcium. 90 % är geléämnen (polysackarider). Den geléskapande substansen är gelosa, en stärkelse som är tio gånger mer koncentrerad än gelatin. Pektinet i frukt och bär är det som på naturligt sätt, tillsammans med socker, gör att gelé bildas. Ur fruktkärnmjöl från johannesbrödträdet och guarväxten kan man också få fram geleringsmedel.
Animaliska produkter 1: Ämnet är LÖPE
Löpe är något jag har hållit mig borta från även som vegetarian. Det är nämligen en blandning av enzymer som däggdjur producerar i magen för att kunna smälta mjölk, och jag ansåg då att det vore fel att äta produkter som innehåller löpe eftersom att t.ex. en kalv måste dö för att göra det möjligt för människan att framställa dessa produkter. Det finns däremot ett alternativ för vegetarianer, icke-animaliska enzymer kan också användas.
I vilka produkter finns då löpe? Löpe innehåller enzymet kymosin som gör att mjölk ystar sig, det vill säga mjölken sönderledas till parakasein och vassle. Parakaseinet används sedan till ostframställning.
Allt detta för ost på din macka eller i din pastaröra? C'mon! Jag kan personligen tycka att t.ex. groddar på en rostad macka är sjukligt mycket godare.